Monday, June 29, 2009

Back Pain Relief

I mentioned in my previous post a book titled Back Pain Relief by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. It is the best book of all three. He promotes Qigong training pretty much for everything but this book accentuates Qigong for back pain relief. The first part is general Qigong theory pretty much the same as in his other books. Then there is a chapter on anatomy of the back and all possible back diseases (you don't want to know that much). Finally there are movements to relieve backpain and build up your torso.

There is also some "fun stuff" like acupressure massage to relieve the pain.

As you might have guessed the book is very detailed and designed for use without any Qigong master's supervision. The theory is presented very clearly, the movements are all accompanied by photographs and are easy to follow.

His exercises are different from those presented in the other books mentioned in the previous posts. They are also the best ones to practice if you are interested in prevention (yes, it is possible not to have any backpain).

1 comment:

Thomas Wold said...

There is NOTHING like serious back pain to encourage learning more about relief of back pain and ALL the books you recommend are good.
Thank you!