There are so many MORE fat people around now than I remember in my youth that I feel I should send out another notice to the internet community about the problem.
There were NO fast food places when I was a child--they are definitely a phenomenon of the latter part of the twentieth century. It is kind of hard now to believe--but there were no McDonald's or Burger Kings or Round Table Pizzas in all the world!
And for many of us Americans, meat was a once a week treat--Sunday: CHICKEN!
Not a big hamburger every day and some form of meat at every meal!
So big fat people--really big, fat people were very rare.
This morning I watched a huge lady slowly lumber across a street--her buttocks were so big that--well she was more like anther kind of an animal than a human being--more like a pig or a cow--and then it hit me!
She was becoming a pig or cow!
And I could guess from the expression on her face that her brain was not functioning very well either--sort of a dumb look is the best way to describe it.
Then I remembered all the growth hormones and chemicals that are put into the cattle, pigs and chickens which are then consumed in huge quantities by many , many people and it was more clear that these same growth hormones are being passed along to the human eaters of the meat and they are fattening up and dumbing down too!
"You are what you eat!" And if your diet is full of growth hormones, you will definitely grow!
If you're not a vegetarian yet, you will be.
Tomasito, 2009
Guilty- I have meat at just about every meal... my only real addition to your piece is that I find it interesting that the variety is so limited... just about every restaurant does Chicken,Cow,Pig or Fish... it's always Chicken, Cow, Pig or Fish. One can get pretty bored with Chicken, Cow, Pig or Fish.. now and then there's Sheep or Goat... but rarely. Not that I want Gator... but it's just interesting that our pallet is so limited.
Hello Paul.
Gator--caught wild and prepared by you--would be about the healthiest meat you could eat.
Your comments are always worth while.
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