Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cars, Cars, Cars, Cars...

Cars and Freeways, San Diego, CA. (Tomasito photo)
(Please click photo for detail)

Cars, cars and more cars.

Being in cars for hours every day is so much a southern California thing that distances here are given in time instead of miles.

"San Diego is 30 minutes from Escondido." (If traffic allows.)

It is NOT considered odd to commute from El Cahon (12 minutes North of San Diego) to Escondido (30 minutes East of San Diego) every working day, as one of our new friends does.

("You get used to it." she says.)

What IS considered odd here is to consider people who drive the freeway for hours every week odd!

Freeway driving--commuting back and forth to work is normal. Two or three cars per family is normal. It is part of the essential "American way of life" which our armies are presently willing to die for here and there around the planet.

What is considered freaky odd here is to WANT to work NEAR the place where you sleep--to walk or bike to work instead of drive.

Coming out of San Diego there is a place on Highway 15 sixteen lanes wide if I counted right--and traffic on all lanes moving bumpertobumpertobumper at at least 65 miles per hour.

And this is considered normal??

This IS considered normal!!



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