Being too fat is a problem for a lot of Americans these days.
I have been a traveler in many countries—and when I was living in Russia a few years ago I was surprised and a little bit insulted when they said--after visiting the USA--that they were surprised at how many fatties there were in my country.
I was insulted because I didn't remember Americans in general as being any fatter than anybody else in any of the many countries I had visited.
But when I came back to live in the USA—first to San Diego and then to other towns and cities in California—I was surprised by how many fat people there were.
I don't remember this from my childhood or even from my young adulthood—but now there are lots and lots of very fat people in California and I suppose in all the other states of this country.
I mean very, very, very, very fat people.
You know, I think part of the reason people get fat and fatter and stay that way is because it helps them feel secure.
I was substitute teaching in California for a few years and noticed that the fatties were treated with a little more respect.
They just couldn't be pushed around as much as skinny kids. It was too much work!
Sort of like the instant respect that sumo wrestlers must enjoy.
Even the teachers would give them more slack because the teachers were not sure how Fatso would react to any scolding—criticism or even encouragement!
Tomasito 2009
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