Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Tomasito 2009, Tanya photo.

Dear Friends of Trends of the Day,

We are moving and so will not publish this blog for a week or so.

Thanks, and see you soon!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good 2nd day Mr President

Photo by Tanya

Way to go, Mr President!

Close that disgraceful prison in Cuba and those secret CIA prisons --if there's dirty work done by our own government, we want to know where it is and who is responsible for dragging our country's reputation in the mud.

And no more water-boarding and torture in the name of justice! What a betrayal of the sacred meaning of the word!

We have waited a LONG time for this kind of leadership!

A VERY good second day's work!

Tomasito, 2009


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama

Trends of history:

Slave--nigger--colored--black--African American--Mr. President.

Congratulations and Good Work, President Obama!

20 January, 2009

. .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Right to Work

(Tanya photo, 2009)

The Right to Work

Yesterday my good blog colleague wrote about a job which was billed as "the best job in the world".

Maybe so.

Today I'd like to suggest that work--that is a job for everyone--should be a RIGHT in any civilized country.

In fact I suggest that the RIGHT to work should be right up there with the famous "Four Freedoms" of the 1940s and the guaranteed rights of the USA Constitution.

Every person, that
wants to work, should have some work to do--for pay. And the pay should be enough to allow a person to live comfortably.

This COULD be done. This SHOULD be done.

In fact in a technological society--this MUST be done!

Or there are going to be some very unhappy people! And it is better to do it NOW with a plan than to endure the mess of doing it ad hoc later.

The RIGHT to work--an idea whose time has come.

Tomasito, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Best Job in the World

Today in Yahoo highlights I saw the "best job in the world" offered. Interestingly, it's exactly it: for the insane amount of money you would be living on a beach island at Great Barrier Reef. You would be living rent free and basically just be a caretaker. Duties include some snorkeling, swimming, walking on the beach---in fact, everything what most people usually pay money to do. You'll have to keep a blog and communicate with media. As you see, job duties seem very reasonable and the pay is great.

I don't know why they advertise for everyone in the world (the link to apply didn't work, by the way), I suppose just to attract international attention. I suspect the candidate is already selected. And of course, there is no lack of Australians willing to take this job and fully qualified to do it. Heck, even I would not mind. I don't know how to snorkel but I can easily learn.

Maybe they should offer this job to George Bush as a reward for wracking this country. Well, they are giving money to the financial institutions who have caused the economic disaster. Why not complete the process? I am sure that even Bush can learn how to snorkel.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


It has come to this!

Well, why not?

We've seen all the movies too and since we get most of our movies, as DVD s, free from the public library collection--we've seen some classic stupid stuff--just like YOU have!

But we have our own criteria for BAD and it is OUR own good taste in cinema, as it were, that makes all the difference.

First of all--to be considered for our list, the BAD movies must be at least good enough so that we can watch them to the bitter end!

(A lot of bad movies are SO bad we can't stand to watch them all the way through and these losers are not on our list of awful movies!) We admit that the reason we watched most of them all the way through was because they were free and we didn't have anything else to do.

Our bad movie list includes ALL so-called movies--old, new, American, foreign--everything!

Nuff said! Here goes our count-down:

Ta-dahhh! (Drum roll)

Number TEN: Butterfield 8.

This movie is just awful!

The wooden acting of Liz Taylor and the pretty face cosying up to her are about as stupid as it gets. The so-called plot is so trite we could actually speak the lines before the actors did!

Redeeming qualities: well, when one of the characters shot a shotgun it actually recoiled. That is a bit of totally unexpected realism!

In the car wreck scene at the end I liked the way the tire went bouncing away after the car went off the cliff at smashed on the rocks!

Number NINE: The Planet of the Dinosaurs.

Oh, this was BAD. The "acting" was not quite as good as that in a country high school's senior play.

The costuming was laughable.

Redeeming qualities: I liked the scene when one of the actresses suddenly gets eaten, not quite whole, by a fake-looking dinosaur!

Number EIGHT: Jeremiah Johnson.

This was totally foolish!

It was one if those large-scale CinemaScope quasi-epics which were perpetrated to lure the motion picture customers away from their new TV and back into the empty theaters.

It came complete with a musical overture and an intermission number--oh, me--it WAS so boring and awful I don't even like to remember it for this critique!

Redeeming Qualities: nada.

Number SEVEN: Cagliostro.

This impossibility was made in Japan and it is about as bad as it comes.

It is a color cartoon--with about the same level of art as your kid's Saturday matinee rubbish--but with a grandiose title and, mockery of monkey business, glowing praise by Steven Spielberg (Who should certainly know better!) on the DVD cover!

The plot so corney--the characters so cardboard--the Disney-copycatting Swiss alpine scenery so totally stupid--oh, what a waste of everyone's time--except maybe the artists that got paid for making this abortion!

Redeeming Qualities: I liked the scene where the cartoon characters are eating saimin noodles out of plastic cups. Now THAT was a fine piece of modern reality!

Number SIX: The Dark Night

You might wonder why we would select this prize-winning dud for our number eight of the worst movies we have ever seen. Well, we DID watch it all the way through in spite of a strong desire to turn it off.

Honestly, such rampant stupidity should not be considered entertainment--unless you think unbridled comic book murder and mayhem are good theater.

What can you do with a public that thinks such trash is worthy of it's highest motion picture prizes? You CAN'T wash your hands of your own people--your own culture--your own civilization! But when they agree that this is GOOD STUFF--it IS tempting!

Car chases, explosions, disjointed plot-- pious attempt to appear relevant and even quasi-wholesome--bah!

It is probably foolish to try to find any redeeming quality--so we won't bother.

More Later!

Tomasito, 2009


Friday, January 9, 2009

High School Parking

High School Parking Lot (Tomasito photo, 2009)

There is such a waste of everything in high schools all over the country--time, automobiles, oil, food--everything.

Does every student have to drive to school every day?

Does every young person have to go?

Maybe everything about high school should be re-thought.

And changed.

Tomasito, 2009


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fatties 3

Fatties watching sumo practice.

The Way

I think it is in the Japanese language that the syllable "do" is added to a word which adds the meaning "the way of" to the root word.

The way of the sword is called "Ken-do"."

"Aiki-do" is "The way of unifying with life energy"

Perhaps "Lar-do" would be a good term for the "the Way of way too much fat".

Tomasito 2009


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fatties 2

Fatties 2

Of course the reason most people get fat, fatter, fattest-- is because they eat way too much.

This is absolutely obvious.

WHY they eat too much is something else--but I think a big part of the reason is because they feel more confident and powerful when they are as huge as they can be.

Oddly enough, it is NOT the rich people in America that are grossly overweight--it is the poor people.

The poor may not be able to afford all the other goodies that the rich can--but by golly, they can get FOOD!

In fact it is kind of amusing, in a perverted way, to see the poor people lined up for charity food as I have in San Diego. Most of the very poor--or at least those who qualify for charity free donated food--are more often than not about as rotund as they can be and still walk!

Rich, on the other hand, usually means skinny though it sounds better to say "slim".

Well, it is none of my business what someone wants to eat. But I don't think it is very honest in the USA today to suggest that people are hungry when it seems to be that most poor people have more to eat than they need--though perhaps not as much as they want.

Tomasito, 2009


Saturday, January 3, 2009



Being too fat is a problem for a lot of Americans these days.

I have been a traveler in many countries—and when I was living in Russia a few years ago I was surprised and a little bit insulted when they said--after visiting the USA--that they were surprised at how many fatties there were in my country.

I was insulted because I didn't remember Americans in general as being any fatter than anybody else in any of the many countries I had visited.

But when I came back to live in the USA—first to San Diego and then to other towns and cities in California—I was surprised by how many fat people there were.

I don't remember this from my childhood or even from my young adulthood—but now there are lots and lots of very fat people in California and I suppose in all the other states of this country.

I mean very, very, very, very fat people.

You know, I think part of the reason people get fat and fatter and stay that way is because it helps them feel secure.

I was substitute teaching in California for a few years and noticed that the fatties were treated with a little more respect.

They just couldn't be pushed around as much as skinny kids. It was too much work!

Sort of like the instant respect that sumo wrestlers must enjoy.

Even the teachers would give them more slack because the teachers were not sure how Fatso would react to any scolding—criticism or even encouragement!

Tomasito 2009


Friday, January 2, 2009

Scones, anyone?

Do you like scones? If so, chances are that you noticed scone dry mix that are sold at the grocery stores. I saw King Arthur's scone mix for more than $6 for a small pack.

What's wrong with this picture? The fact that they basically sell you the mixture of flower and baking powder that you can buy separately for much less than $6 total. Regardless whether you are using a dry mix or your own flower you still have to add butter, eggs and milk.

I would rather make my own scones.