Sunday, November 9, 2008

About Blogs and Bloggers

The internet is chock full of trends: latest trends, hot trends, fashion trends and what not. There are other trends: trends of the day. Here is what I found.

Lots of users register cool name blogs and then do nothing about them. That gets really annoying. For example I wanted to register getrichquick with Blogger and it turned out that this name and similar names were taken but are either not used at all or just have one stupid post.

Thomas wanted to register blogadog and guess what? Yep, taken over and not used.

So my question: why register a blog if you have no intention to write it?

Hmm, I guess the question is rhetorical. But if anyone knows the answer (besides the obvious: they meant to write but never got to do it - I am not buying it) please let me know.

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