Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Arizona Trip

We just took a little trip--another "Journey to the East" for us--though the farthest East we got was Flagstaff AZ. Not so very far after all but a very nice little trip in our nice little green subcompact Chevy Aveo.

So much desert. So much dirt. So little water. So many miles. Such wonderful fun.

Oh, it is awfully nice and I feel inspired and like new. It is so nice to get away for a change and a rest. (Remember the old post card vacation saw: "The hotel got the change and the bartender got the rest!")

In our case, we stayed at the least expensive motels we could find--those which were up to our high standards for "clean" and "quiet" and like that, of course--and we don't sit in bars so the bartenders--in our case--didn't "get the rest".  The gas stations did.

And we saved more of that scarce stuff, money, by eating steamed rice (we cooked our own in an electric pot) and tuna fish. (You can still buy a can of "chunky"(cat food quality) for under a dollar!) As a matter of fact, we didn't eat out even once! Not even at a McDonald's! Pretty good, huh? Such careful diners!!

Back in Temecula yesterday afternoon. Slept in our own bed last night. Cooked a real meal in our real kitchen. (Fried potatoes and onions and easy over eggs. I finished off with a can of chili eaten cold (bad but  yum!) and Tanya had her usual hot tea. 

Everything good.




Paul the Radio Guy said...

Yow- rice'n "cat food" quality canned tuna... them's gittin by vittles. At least the scenery was a wealthy retreat. I must say you continually surprise me. And I'm glad to see another entry on your blog- it's always an interesting read. My wife and I are moving to San Francisco in six weeks- no jobs, but hopefully a two bedroom place, so the girls can stay with us. We're in the process of paperwork and lucky to find anything under 2K a month... Risky- but it's time. I'm always in awe of your to-the-bone lifestyle... rice 'n tuna... wow.

Thomas Wold said...


So much restaurant food is very poor in nutrition and awfully overpriced--that even canned tuna is better--as bad as THAT is.

We usually prepare our own meals and stick pretty much to fruits and vegetables--even at home.

San Francisco is a pretty good choice for living in California if you can afford it. It is nice and cool most of the time and there are a lot of cultural activities--again, if you can afford them.

We are usually not too fond of cities---the pollution and the noise and the traffic are not very healthful, but there is sometimes work and sometimes interesting people and things to do.

Radical change--like moving from Hawaii to San Francisco for you and your wife, is often a good way to kind of wake up.

I am reading a book now where the author says: "Authentic change always means stepping into the unknown." risky but often worth it.

Best wishes for your step toward the Golden Gate. TW

Thomas Wold said...

About the "cat food quality" this is sort of an inside joke.

The tuna we eat is regular human food--it is just that the "quality" of the fish has declined so far that it is now like cat food used to be.

Inexpensive canned "solid" tuna is now what we used to call "flake" tuna and what is now called "flake" is we used to feed to cats--period.

Because of the mercury in the fish we rarely eat any--no matter what it is called. TW