(Tomasito photo, 2009)
(Click on photo for detail)
What Can Be Done?
Obviously in Escondido something should be done.
Store after store is empty--but what could generate enough cash-flow to bring them--and the downtown--back to life--to make these useful spaces really be useful again?
Whatever it is--it will not be what it was--since the shoppers have gone on to other places--the big box stores and the malls.
In an earlier blog I suggested that there was a growing Mexican presence in the downtown area--and I don't mean graffiti artists, gangsters and vandals--I mean small businesses--like the bakery and fast food cafe.
JOBS--WORK for workers is what is needed.
Production of needed things--or at least decorative things.
Things that people will spend their ever more scarce money for! And I am NOT talking about the million dollar bonuses some well placed crooks are getting for nothing!
And I am not suggesting that the current owners of these downtown buildings start scooping up the money their fathers and grandfathers earned by getting here the firstest with the mostest either.
What I think we need is more work--more employment for the many of us that must have some income now--and not just a government hand-out or more layers of tax-paid bureaucracy! Just honest, paid WORK!
Store after store is empty--but what could generate enough cash-flow to bring them--and the downtown--back to life--to make these useful spaces really be useful again?
Whatever it is--it will not be what it was--since the shoppers have gone on to other places--the big box stores and the malls.
In an earlier blog I suggested that there was a growing Mexican presence in the downtown area--and I don't mean graffiti artists, gangsters and vandals--I mean small businesses--like the bakery and fast food cafe.
JOBS--WORK for workers is what is needed.
Production of needed things--or at least decorative things.
Things that people will spend their ever more scarce money for! And I am NOT talking about the million dollar bonuses some well placed crooks are getting for nothing!
And I am not suggesting that the current owners of these downtown buildings start scooping up the money their fathers and grandfathers earned by getting here the firstest with the mostest either.
What I think we need is more work--more employment for the many of us that must have some income now--and not just a government hand-out or more layers of tax-paid bureaucracy! Just honest, paid WORK!
Tomasito, 2009
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