Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fast Food

Fast Food Drive-in

Fast Food

Line-up. (Tomas photo, 2010)

There is a very popular fast food drive-in a couple of blocks from our apartment. A few of the customers park and go in to order and eat, but most stay in their vehicle, order, pick up their order and drive away--eating and drinking as they go.

This is a VERY popular thing to do here.

Of course almost everyone who lives here must have a car and most spend hours in the car every day. (I almost wrote "week", but caught myself since most commute many miles to work.)

This is one of the peculiarly wasteful bad habits which will bring this country down.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pathways of the Heart

Concrete Path, Ohio Avenue.

Dirt Path Felicita Park.

Some trails are easy, some are not--


It doesn't really matter where your journey takes you.

It can ALL be good.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Creative Auto Repair

Creative Headlight Repair. (Tanya photo, 2010)

There is a certain class of automobile drivers around here that come up with some inspired solutions for their car repairs.

Can't blame them too much because car repairmen around here make dentist's wages. (Which is why some of us suffer creative dental solutions!)

Our favorite repair though, which we have only seen ONCE, is when the driver's side front door was secured closed with a piece of rope!

We are still wondering HOW the driver managed to get in and out!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

T on a Rock

T on a Rock. (Tomas photo, 2010)

Felicita Park, Escondido, CA.

The wild oats are white dry. The brook is a mid-summer trickle.

But the company is one-of-a-kind great!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Butterfly Garb

Butterflies' Dresses. (Tomasito photo, 2010)

One thing you CAN say about people. We know a GOOD IDEA when we see one!

The butterflies are getting rarer ("Silent Spring"), but dresses are very colorfully attractive this summer!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Roadside Attractions

Many Oaks Path, Felicita Park.

Corner Ads, Ash Street

(Tomasito photos, 2010)

Worlds apart but close--we experience these roadside attractions often--almost every day.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Golden Bush and Traffic

Daley Ranch Coast Golden Bush Slope.

Normal Daily Traffic. (Tomasito photos, July, 2010)

The above photos were made about a twenty minute drive and a half hour hike apart.

Southern California in the summertime.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July

Patriotic Potatoes

Packed Park Parking Lot

(Tomasito photos, 2010)


We hope all of you readers of our Trends of the Day blog have a very fun-filled day!

All of you in the United States especially. We Californios are joining you in celebrating our young country's birthday.

All the rest of of you scattered around the world--we hope your day is especially good in every way. Let us know who you are and where you are so we can enjoy your presence even more.

. .

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Escondido Water July 2010. (Tomasito photos)

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. (Tomasito photo 2009)

(I don't have any photos of nightingales
and the one that sings around here is shy.)

Another bird that has been making music around here lately is a nightingale.

This very melodious critter starts his or her concert at about two in the morning and continues for an hour or two of solid music.

I don't know if she uses the telephone pole perch the other birds use in the daytime on sings out of one of the nearby treetops. I have never seen the bird--but the music is quite, could I say, professional.

Surely all this music is not necessary for the bird's survival--I can only imagine that he/she just LOVES to sing!
