During my recent bad back episode, when I was flattened by pain and reduced to crawling around the apartment--Tanya brought several books home with helpful hints for back pain sufferers for me to read.
I especially liked the Pilates book and owe some of my quick recovery to the simple exercises from the first chapters of that very fine book.
But one good book she brought was a little too much for me to get interested in at that time--but now that I have had a chance to read some of it more carefully--I want to recommend it to you.
The cover is copied above--we checked it out from our local library and I think the philosophy and the exercises recommended by Dr. Yang are probably the most beneficial to the improvement of general health I have come across in a long time.
Dr. Yang compares Chinese and Western medical attitudes and practices in a very comprehensive way (for a short book) and I find it most helpful.
I intend to use the exercises and the philosophy (CHI movement, etc.) and will keep you informed as to my progress.