Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mexican Flavor

Fruit stand worker. Tomasito photo, 2009

It is very pleasant to be living in a small town with a Mexican flavor.

There is a good Mexican Supermarket in walking distance from our apartment with all kinds of interesting foods and things from Mexico--and the music playing while we shop is Mexican Salsa instead of the usual fifties pops.

There are several old fashioned fruit stands at the edge of town--which is not so very far in this small town--where we can buy local fruit and vegetables in season--fresh and ripe from the fields.

Sweet oranges, for example, fresh from the tree--not picked green so they can be shipped halfway around the world.

There are lots of border struggles going on further south of course, but 40 miles from the border we can enjoy the strong Mexican influence without the fear that is generated by the present miserable border hassles.

Tomasito 2009


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Corporations bad

Tomasito photo, 2009



Corporations: fiction bodies without heads or hearts--a body, a corpse, in law only.

Without heads, hearts or morals--their only goal is to exploit their workers and make more money for their investors.

Lying is nothing to a corporation.

Lies and lying propaganda are their bread and butter.

And if they are caught or sued--they can't go to prison--and there is always another crooked lawyer willing to save their bacon.

Not one in a corporation is responsible for anything.

The human is not responsible for the awful deeds of the corporation--neither the manager nor the President of the Board, the CEO--the corporation exists far beyond them.

If there is a problem, "Corporate has the manual and the answer" but corporate cannot be called to account because it is a ghost--unanswerable and disembodied.

And we the people are subject to these ghosts in every area.

Tomasito. 2009


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Doctor's fees

You know, we think that health insurance for everyone is not the answer.

Lower fees for doctors IS the answer--
then we wouldn't NEED insurance to pay their outrageous fees.

When MDs are paid only about as much as teachers are, we could all afford medical care--AND--

when doctors are paid only if their patients stay well--we would see a LOT more healthy people!

Tomasito, 2009


Monday, February 23, 2009

Mt Vernon Motel view

View from room 205, Mt Vernon Motel, Escondido CA.
(Tomasito photo, 2009)

"Change is gonna do me good."

Tomasito, 2009


Sunday, February 22, 2009

In Escondido, CA

Tanya in Felicita Park, Escondido, CA. (Tomasito photo, 2009)

The world looks a little bit different from down here in far southern California.

Many of the ads and signs are in Spanish and English--and in some of the markets and stores all of the customers and staff are Mexican--often bi-lingual.

We speak enough Spanish to enjoy the linguistic flavor.

The fruits and vegetables in the markets are often less expensive and more flavorful since they are locally grown and don't have to be picked green to be shipped for long distances.

Of course there are LOTS of people here too--we may be the new kids on the block, but there were lots of kids here before us!

The traffic is fast and dangerous with lots of Kamikaze (or macho) drivers proving they are better drivers then we are--but it is all part of the game and we are enjoying it.

It is nice to be back to blogging and we will be at it now on a regular basis--so stay tuned.

Best wishes,



Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Boy in Town

New Boy in Town (Tanya photo)


We have stopped traveling, found an apartment, and are now living in Escondido, California--a bit north of San Diego--just a few miles from Mexico.

We are not quite settled in--so will not continue our blogs for a while, but we will continue soon.

Tomasito, 2009
